It's not what you think...
My experiences of cooked dog are thankfully very limited, I have seen a whole roasted dog with it's mouth stuck open at local a market in the province of Guanxi, China. Now tempting as it is, I will not go in to the country's treatment of 'moving things', after all this is supposed to be a food blog, so best to keep it that way.
Every time I cook Japanese food I fail to meet my own expectations. One could argue that those expectations are simply unreasonable? How can one possibly recreate a country's cuisine with limited knowledge of its ingredients and little understanding of how those ingredients work together? Amazon can offer a quick fix but you could buy a thousand recipe books on a subject and still be none the wiser.
So do you give up? Not yet, there is hope and that comes in the form of Cooking with dog, a show on YouTube. If like me you are fascinated with Japan and its wonderful cuisine and want to create some of its delicious offerings at home, then this show is definitely the one for you.
Please don't fear, dogs are definitely not on the menu or in any of the recipes, it's purely a demonstration of Japanese dishes that can be cooked at home.
I know what you're thinking, what's this thing with the dog?
The dog in this case is Francis the poodle, the host of the show. The concept is simple and brilliant, the chef cooks the food while the presenter carefully describes at speed every stage in a form of Japenglish.

I recommend you have a look at the following links...
A Dictionary of Japanese food by Richard Hosking
Clearspring - Do have a good look at their website, it's a huge source of information
JustBento - Everything you need to know about bento boxes
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